February 11, 2012

"Look what the UPS Man Delivered...."

Mail order yarn....it's kind of a love hate thing...ordering a boatload of yarn and then waaaiiittting for it to be delivered can be a very serious test in patience!  But when that brown truck pulls up...oh what JOY!  Could he move just a little faster finding my package on the truck please!!!  Your heart starts to race a bit...come on, come on!  The doorbell rings...and it's Christmas in February!!

Here's a peek at what Tricia was waiting on....her graduation gift.  Yes, most kids want cash, electronics, etc. Not my daughter...she wanted a "box" of Cascade 220.  Thanks to Jimmy Beans Wool her dream came true. (Well, along with Dad's charge card and his confused understanding that this much yarn was really necessary and worth it!)

Tricia is now the proud new mommy of all these wooly little bundles (ummm...hanks).  I wonder...will I ever get my kitchen table back?  It's loaded from edge to edge with yarn, projects and my laptop.  I guess I could start serving yarn for dinner?  Low fat, very high fiber (fibre) and pleasing to the eye!

Another Ripple is on it's way with all those glorious colors...until then I'll share a tiny bit of what she's currently hooking away... 

I really need to do some catching up with my own projects now!  Still puttering on Anna cardigan,  several baby hats in various stages of completion and my own litle ripple...

Have a hooky kind of day!

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