It's always been an American tradition to portray a cute, chubby baby to represent ringing in the New Year. I recently ran across this little gem from 1916 and thought it was so appropriate for U Knit Me!
Of course ringing in the New Year has always been a time to make resolutions, dream new dreams and focus on making changes. A majority of which never happen and we do it all over again the next year! I think I started a cardigan last year with the intention of finishing it within a few weeks...sadly it is still on the needles and hasn't been touched for...well, I can't really remember. Thankfully I was able to finish a number of other items along with my daughter though. So many that to put them all into one collage would take way too much time!
So, I picked some of my favorites from 2012..
Of course ringing in the New Year has always been a time to make resolutions, dream new dreams and focus on making changes. A majority of which never happen and we do it all over again the next year! I think I started a cardigan last year with the intention of finishing it within a few weeks...sadly it is still on the needles and hasn't been touched for...well, I can't really remember. Thankfully I was able to finish a number of other items along with my daughter though. So many that to put them all into one collage would take way too much time!
So, I picked some of my favorites from 2012..
So I will close out this year with dreams of new creations to start for 2013! I think I have enough yarn to get me straight through to...2099!
Happy New Year to everyone and may the next year bring many new projects and joy to your life.
Happy New Year !